Racial Disparity In Law Enforcement Research Paper

Words: 1391
Pages: 6

In law enforcement, racial disparity is a growing issue that needs to be resolved. “A recent report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics on interactions between police and the public found that Black residents were more likely to be stopped by police than white or Hispanic residents, that Black and Hispanic residents were more likely to have multiple contacts with police than white residents, and that when police initiated an interaction, they were twice as likely to threaten or use force against Black and Hispanic residents than against white residents” (NACDL,2022). Racial disparity in law enforcement is an issue that has deep historical roots and continues in today’s society. Starting from the days of slavery and segregation to even now, the criminal justice …show more content…
Lastly, implicit bias training is a very important effort that is being made to decrease the level of racial disparity in law enforcement. Many police agencies have adopted training programs aimed at promoting fair and impartial policing and increasing awareness of unconscious biases. By increasing awareness of unconscious biases and encouraging fair and impartial policing procedures, implicit bias training is an essential tool in the fight against racial disparities in law enforcement. Even among well-meaning people, implicit biases can hurt people's perceptions and conduct by creating preconceptions or unconscious attitudes that can lead to discriminatory outcomes. “This randomized experiment will determine the effectiveness of the training in raising officers’ awareness of and knowledge about unconscious bias, providing officers skills to manage their unconscious biases, and reducing the disparities in enforcement actions against different racial and ethnic groups” (IACP,