Racial Profiling Pros And Cons

Words: 979
Pages: 4

Racial Profiling is the practice of presuming and targeting specific individuals on the basis of their physical characteristics such as race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. Under the broad definition, law enforcement officers have been known to use these factors to identify whom are the most likely suspects of attempting a certain crime or obtaining criminal behaviours. The historical origins of the practice dates back to 1704 in South Carolina, U.S.A, where the first slave patrol was established. Following the event of the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, the practice has then sparked a divided debate among the American community on the benefits and negative effects of racial profiling.

The practice of racial profiling is believed to be an efficient method of policing used by law enforcements. In general, it becomes more efficient for the
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The view on the use of racial profiling amongst the community and government has recently changed as arrests are becoming more based on race and/or ethnicity. A survey conducted by National Gallup poll found that 58% Americans preferred “requiring Arabs, including those who are U.S. citizens, to undergo special, more intensive security checks before boarding airplanes in the U.S” by means of preventing terrorism (Gallup Poll, 2009). In effect, Johnson (2011) asserts that the federal government “began to question and detain thousands of Muslims and Arabs in the United States and airlines developed new screening procedures” (as cited in Cole, 2003). This implicates that the practice of racial profiling in airports may improve the security and well-being of the public, as it narrows down the potential suspects coming in and are currently living in the United States. This may eventually decrease the risk of being exposed to future terrorist