Racism: The Black Lives Pursue Movement

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Pages: 5

When one of my high school classmate told me how he dislike black people, I wasn’t surprised. There we lived in the “harmony” China; we have no terms as “people of color”and supposedly no racism. However, It’s a horrifying fact which I was unsurprised when I heard those words. If racism that embedded in American media could infuse Chinese people so much that even Chinese people take racial views as granted----how about those that breath on American soil? It seems like American people’s in trouble--- fundamental troubles that’s as deep as the society itself.
DiAngelo in her essay mentions that the socialization of American people “render us racially illiterate”(186). Racism crawls under our skin, sinks into our flesh whenever we watch an advertisement
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Many believes that the anti-racism movement itself brings up these hatred and stereotype towards black people, as stated in Bryan’s essay: “is this an atmosphere created by the police officers and racist elements in society itself? many, including individual in the Black Lives Matter movement, believe so.”(193). These saying bares their reasons. For a movement which root itself in hatred and anger, it’s hard to think how it would bring positive effect to the society. When the only presentation one’s showing is anger and hatred, People who have nothing at stake would be ignorant, if not annoyed or …show more content…
And the chances to eradicate hierarchy from society? Dimmer than a dying candle. A reasonable solution is to divert the target of racism. While it’s intuitively irrational, but making contacts with alien species would in a great extend address the immediate issues. By introducing a species that bears greater difference than all those within human itself, we can easily divert all the racism within to an exterior target. After all, Four eyes or two noses don’t really match the standard definition of beauty.When we accept aliens into our society, learn with them, know them more and when aliens start to be a part of normal person’s everyday life, it’s just like how black people first appear in white society, and the story after need no elaboration. Human will be treated as a same race, and racism would be no more---not toward within human society at