Radiography Lab

Words: 1923
Pages: 8

• Radiography is the most common type of lab test. It works by sending a small amount of radiation, at a specific wave length and special energy, which then passes through the body to a film cassette placed behind or under the body part being evaluated. The small amount of radiation makes the film cassette glow based on how much radiation gets through the body. The denser the material in the body, the lighter in color the film will be directly behind that area. For example, bone is very dense and will appear very light on the film cassette. A myelogram is a 2 step process with an x-ray being one portion. In a myelogram, which is purely for the spine, an opaque contrast dye is injected in the spinal column before the x-ray is taken. The dye settles before the x-ray is taken and while settling the patient may be tilted to settle the dye in a specific area. The dye shows up on the x-ray which allows the radiologist to see the all of the parts of the spinal column.
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It is a common test that can detect a wide array of things. It can be performed in a normal physician's office. Urine dipsticks are often used. After a urine specimen is collected, a stick with small squares of chemicals is dipped into the sample of urine. The urine reacts with the chemicals causing a chemical reaction shown by a change in color. This change in color shows the levels of each of the tests on the strip; this is compared with a baseline with normal ranges on the manufacturers bottle. The urine is also assessed on its physical appearance such as cloudiness, clarity, color, quantity, and odor. Microscopic urinalysis is done under a microscope. It shows the cells, cellular debris, bacteria, and crystals that can be clues in diagnosis or confirm dipstick results. Microscopic urinalysis is done by centrifuging the sample, and then taking the solid part at the bottom of the test tube mixed with a small amount of urine and then put under a