Raising Minimum Wage Research Paper

Words: 746
Pages: 3

$8.10. The average wage Ohioans are making an hour. Many citizens are dealing with the same low wage of $8.10 in many different states. Wouldn’t it be great if they would just raise it already? Well it’s not that simple, if minimum wage rises everything else will to. The federal minimum wage was introduced in 1938 during the Great Depression under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was originally set at $0.25 per hour and has been increased by Congress 22 times since then, most recently in 2009 when it went from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour. Today minimum wage varies from $7.25 to $ 8.30 in the state of Ohio. I believe minimum wage should most definitely not be raised in today’s economy. One reason minimum wage should not be raised is it would result in job losses for a lot of employees. In this case raising the minimum wage is straightforward, A higher wage makes it more expensive for businesses to hire workers. According to an article from smallbusiness.com it explains, that no one argues that increasing the minimum wage increases the number of unemployed workers …show more content…
Let's talk about those who are all for it, yes having extra cash would make life a lot easier, right? It all sounds great but, the citizens who are for raising the wage have no idea of the downfalls of it. According to David Cooper, economic analyst, he states that raising the wage would strengthen the workforce and economy. Cooper could be correct on certain standards, but he failed mention that it would hurt low class families and less educated workers. He also failed to mention that it would result in an decrease in government benefits for the disabled. What I’m trying to say is Cooper is very incorrect on this topic. He did mention that it would “strengthen” the workforce, not exactly in reality it would result in job loss for a lot of employees, supported from the information that was mentioned