Raising Minimum Wage Research Paper

Words: 1346
Pages: 6

Raising The Wage Disengage The Pay.
Hearing about a minority family where the mother works barely paying by ends meeting, when you realize that they're working a minimum wage and hear more people having the same thing. So many people formed the idea that raising it will help which it does help but, there are point where it can become too high. Federal minimum wage shouldn’t be raised to $15.Because minimum wage is not a living wage. Raising the minimum wage has a bad effect for everyone. It makes it harder for people with no experience to get a job and it doesn’t help the people it’s supposed to help. Before stating more reasons, it’s best to learn the history of the minimum wage and learn what it is. The lowest wage paid or permitted to be
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N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.) One comment by Hank1947 said “Minimum wage IS NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN meant to be a LIVING wage. Some jobs pay more than others but you have to have an education or a marketable skill to get these jobs. If minimum knowledge, skill & experience is all you have to offer an employer, then minimum wage is all you deserve. ("This Map Shows How Badly America Needs a Minimum Wage Hike."CityLab. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.) There is a big different living wage and minimum wage although it will be best to compare definition. Living wage is an amount of money you are paid for a job that is large enough to provide you with the basic things (such as food and shelter) needed to live an acceptable life. Minimum wage is a wage fixed by legal authority or by contract as the least that may be paid either to employed persons generally or to a particular category of employed persons. ( Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.) Most minimum wage jobs are fast foods, small business, stores. The most minimum wage education is a high school degree but, no college. "U.S. Minimum Wage Workers 2014, by Education | …show more content…
This is also true for some living wage. Walmart said that they're going to be a pay rise to $10 but, because that would cost a lot of money and give less profit, so they cut hours. "Of Course Walmart Cut Hours After Raising Pay--What Did You Expect?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 1 Sept. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. One economy thing that happens is when the prices goes up, the demand goes down. For example, If I love to eat cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds but, the price goes up $2, then I less likely to buy it. Where I learn more from "Econ 101: The Basics of Supply and Demand." 'Environmental Economics' N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2016. This means that when a business rises prices,it’s most likely to still be around. Consumers will be less likely to buy the product, it cost more. This affects everyone. Consumers, by raising the price. The worker by cutting hours. The employers by making sure everyone does a good amount of work and being more likely to fire people be a little lazy. Not only is it hard to get a high paying job but also this is true for a higher minimum