reasonable reasons. There many high expectations for me in life,and me staying in Italy
wont make any differnces. My family left italy because of our poor housing, unemployed,
and arent any medical care . Well those are the same reason I left Italy and for a
better life. Also I have a family members in america which are my uncle and sister.
On May10, in the morning all the immagrants were getting ready to sail on the
crowded ship.There were many people from all arround the countries whos going to
America,so I got on the ship. Me and my friends look back at our country and wishing for
us to get what we want . A couple hours later it was time for us to sleep. I slept at the bottom
of the ship, it was very cold and crowded with people from everywhere.
We finally arrived to America at midnight. We were put on a barge, jammed in so tight
that I couldn't turn 'round, there were so many of us, you see, and the stench was terrible.
And when we got to Ellis Island, they put the gangplank down, and there was a man at the
foot, and he was shouting, at the top of his voice, "Put your luggage here, drop your luggage
here. Men this way, women and children this way. We finially go to do my inspection, they
asked me many questions.Like do u have any family members in US, why did I come to
this country, why did I leave my beloved ones