Recess In Schools

Words: 3633
Pages: 15

Chapter I: Introduction
With the inception of Common Core standards in 2010, the education system started focusing on language arts and mathematics that makes sure every child is college ready before receiving their high school diploma. Starting at the elementary level, every child in the United States learns the same subject matter using the exact same teaching methods. Although there are many opinions on the efficiency of Common Core, one thing is for certain: other school programs are being eliminated. Subjects and extracurricular programs such as art, music, and physical education are being terminated from schools all over the country to spend more time focusing on core subjects. Another activity that is being pushed aside and overlooked
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First, the literature reviewing recess will be discussed. Since there are many benefits found related to recess, the review will be broken down into the following topics: (1) Physical Activity in Schools, (2) Recess and Social Development, and Recess and Cognitive Development. The next part of the literature review will focus on different methods that have been studied in order to increase focus by children in the classroom.
Physical Activity in Schools One of the most studied aspects when it comes to children is their physical activity level, especially in a school setting. One of the biggest issues studied is the childhood obesity epidemic due to inactivity. Metcalf et al. (2011) studied children seven to ten years of age and discovered that physical inactivity is a result of being overweight, rather than its cause. This led them to believe that this is the reason promoting physical activity to combat obesity has been ineffective. On the other hand, other studies have suggested that the promotion of physical activity can help combat obesity. Research by Kar, Dube, and Kar (2014) suggests that a lack of open spaces and playgrounds as well as increased pressure to perform academically is a major factor that leads to childhood obesity. Kar et al. (2014) also found that a curriculum based approach to physical activity
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Researchers will be observing the way that students behave in class for a week where there is no recess period and another week when a recess period is employed school wide. Student sex, age, and possible learning disorders will all be compiled along with a teacher survey. A description of the schools, participants, research design, survey procedure, and method of analysis will all be discussed in this chapter.
School Sites This study will be completed in two different, randomly selected elementary schools in Clark County School District in Nevada. This district had decided to cut recess in order to provide more time to focus on core academic areas. Approval was obtained by the school board to observe the students and they also allowed a 20-minute recess period every day for one week. The entire school will be granted the recess so that the class being observed will receive the full recess