Leadership styles.
This is where the leader will make the decisions, telling the staff what they want and how they want it with no advice from anyone else. This kind of leader could be a Sargent or captain for example. They will tell new members what is expected of them, which tasks need doing and what procedure they will need to follow. This kind of leader is very strict within the organisation so if a member of staff is worried or stressed they won’t feel like they could go to them for help or advice as this individual will not be able to trust them with their problems.
When making decisions in the organisation this kind of leader will involve everyone to make the decision, making the whole team work together to find a solution. This is also known as participative. If there is a more complex problem within the organisation it is a good way to find a solution by asking everyone in the team for their pinion ad then put them all together to find the best outcome.
They are often the leader of the whole group for an example, a teacher or manager. They will organise and direct the team members to achieve and meet specific goals for the team or organisation. They are often the best leaders in organisations because they can build a trust with the team however, this is not always the case.
This leader is not directly or official the leader however it is a group decision made by the whole group to suit everyone that they should be the leader and the team believe they are the right person for the job. They are outgoing and easy to talk to so they usually get on with most of the tem as the can trust each other. This is usually the best kind of leadership with in a group as it is a group decision however this may also cause trouble in the group if not everyone agrees.
Team leader role.
Project management.
This is where the team leader will plan, organise, motivate and control resources to achieve specific goal within the organisation. By doing this the leader will be able to monitor the company’s progress and set new goals for them to meet.
The team leader must be the centre point in taking suggestions and queries and in this case they will need to make sure they are respected within the company, trustworthy of important or personal information, honest to the team and someone everyone can rely on.
To ensure quality.
The work carried out in the organisation must be to a high quality standard and needs to make sure that this is a consistent mind set and s always achievable. This is to make sure the staff and the customers are always satisfied with your service.
Quality needed.
The need needed to achieve a high quality standard for example, staff training and re-briefing, getting feedback from customers and colleagues. All colleagues must have good knowledge of the company and how certain things work in the business this is so that the customer is always receiving 100% from the staff.
Listening skills.
This is extremely important the leader to be able to listen to their colleagues and understand their problems or suggestions that the may have, whether the leader agrees with them or not they should always be there open to suggestions. They should be able to understand that member of staffs needs and feelings and should take this in to account when speaking to them.
Every leader should have the skill to be able to empathise with their colleagues or customers and remember to put themselves in their shoes, this will help them to understand the situation and this will result in them dealing with it better and more efficiently.
Skills needed.
The skills a team