Essay about Research Methods

Submitted By TaewTui1
Words: 1990
Pages: 8




Waratchaya Amornsurinthawongse (ANWAP22)


Friday 12TH July 2013

Monday 24th June 2013

Introduction to Research

A few days I have been in the class, I have learned about the introduction of research listed as below:-

1. What is Research?

A systematic inquiry or the objective of which is to provide information to enable managers to make the right decisions.

2. Why we study Research?

Research provides you with the knowledge and skills needed for the fast-paced decision-making environment.

3. Types of research

a. Quantitative

Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist/post-positivist paradigm. It usually involves collecting and converting data into numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions drawn.

The main emphasis of quantitative research

- Deductive research approach, is a form of influence that purports to be conclusive-premises(reasons) must reflect real world (true) and the conclusion must follow from premises (valid)

Ex. Premise 1

Larger firm are able to make more sales

Premise 2

Higher sales reflect the bigger market share

Premise 3

The larger firm, the bigger market share it has

b. Qualitative

Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist/ post-positivist paradigm. It usually involves collecting and converting data into numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions drawn.

The main emphasis of quantitative research

- Inductive research approach, draws conclusions from 1 or more particulars where the process of induction starts with observations and is a process of hypothesis generation

4. Types of data

a. Primary Data

The data that is observed or acquired by the researcher’s him/ herself.

b. Secondary Data

The data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources

5. The value of acquiring research skills

- To gather more information before selecting a course of action

- To conduct a high-level research study

- To understand research design

- To assess the quality of research studies

- To establish a career as a research specialist


6. Types of studies

- Used to do research

o Reporting

o Descriptive

o Explanatory

o Predictive

▪ Most business

▪ Management

▪ Studies are descriptive/ explanatory

7. Different Styles of Research

a. Applied Research

b. Pure/Basic Research

8. What is Good Research?

The standard scientific methods where:-

1. Purpose clearly defined

2. Research process detailed

3. Research design thoroughly planned

4. The limitations frankly revealed

5. High ethical standards applied

6. The Adequate analysis for decision-makers’ needs

7. Findings presented unambiguously

8. Conclusions justified

9. Researcher’s experience reflected

9. The Philosophies of Research

a. Positivism

b. Interpretivism

c. Realism

Tuesday 25th June 2013

Today is the second class. And there was another teacher who believed to be a librarian came to our class to teach us how to use the e-library and how to find the books, articles, journals and etc. After that I’ve learnt to look for the books or any kinds of academic journals I want to read as well as this issue is actually related to our task and the subject “Research Methods” since I need to use a lot of articles and journal to study on. Besides, I also learnt about “Working with the Hierarchy” which I was taught