Research Paper On Alzheimer's Disease

Words: 3098
Pages: 13

Milli Ramos
Alz he imer's disease
Ramos 1
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is not something that younger people worry about because it mainly affects the older population. It is a disease that not only harms the person but it harms those around them like their family. We as a part of this world should be aware of this deadly disease. Although it may not harm the younger population physically it eventually can harm a family member who is a part of the older population. We can also benefit greatly by knowing how to prevent the disease or to know what the signs and symptoms are and also knowing how to deal with the disease.
Currently Alzheimer's disease is affecting over 26 million people in the world. It is a disease that is mostly seen
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Treatment for Alzheimer's disease is still progressing. There are two specific drug treatments that help with memory loss, confusion, and problems with thinking and reasoning.
One of the treatment drugs is called donepezil. This drug was approved by the FDA in July 2010.
It is used for moderate to severe Alzheimer's stages, the dosage of the drug that is given to the person is 23 milligrams once a day. After about three months the dosage is lowered to 10 milligrams a day. Another drug treatment is memantine, this is a drug that is used for moderate to severe Alzheimer's. The dosage is five milligrams once a day and eventually it works its way
Ramos 6 up to 10 milligrams twice a day depending on the person's tolerance of the drug. This drug is also used when donepezil is causing too much gastrointestinal side effects. The donepezil dosage is lowered to five milligrams and then memantine is added to be more effective and appropriate for the person's well-being. Not all treatments are drug related, there are also many non-drug treatments that help especially with behavior changes. These treatments focus on the person itself, they need to be understood and they need to be treated with respect
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In the person's brain the disease spreads to all parts of the brain and eventually kills the person. The disease can be passed down to family members but not physically. A person cannot acquire the disease if they are near a person that has been diagnosed. However this disease does lead to other diseases because the person's immunity becomes weaker as the disease progresses. The person may be at risk for strokes, aphasia, immobility, and many other cognitive difficulties. Emotionally the person may affect family members, the family is harmed emotionally the most. Although the family is not affected physically it is still a difficult process for family members to undergo. Overall the disease only harms the person that has it, and it progresses quickly and fatally.
A nursing assistant caring for persons with Alzheimer's needs to know the disease in detail. The nurse needs to be aware of what the disease does to the person and what they can do to deal with the worst times of the person. A nursing assistant should know what the patient's treatment is and what they can do to help because the person with Alzheimer's cannot always tell us what is wrong with them. For example what they need to look out for