Research Paper On Enlightenment

Words: 574
Pages: 3

To become enlightened, all that must happen is for you to simply realize that you already are.

Many people conceive of enlightenment as some grand, fantastical achievement. A goal to be attained, in a moment of beauty and wonder. While it is wondrous and beautiful, it is WRONG to think of enlightenment as an achievement. Enlightenment is not some lofty goal, some prize to be gotten.

Enlightenment is a state of being. And, you already have it. Actually, it is the most fundamental, essential quality of your being. Enlightenment is your nature.

HOWEVER, for most people, this nature has been concealed. It has been deeply buried beneath illusions and untruths. It has been covered up by your socialization. It has been overtaken by your "ego".
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See my other article, "Who Am I? The First Step to Enlightenment" for an explanation of why you cannot logically define your "self" as in any way involving your body or your mind.

Once you see through the illusion of ego, immediately this false self erodes, turns to dust. The deep roots of false identity begin to untangle. Slowly, steadily, your identification with your thoughts crumbles away. "I am republican, I am democratic, I think abortion should be legal, God is real, dogs are better than cats"... any and all beliefs, opinions, prejudices, biases... they all mean nothing once you see that there is no "self" to hold them or defend them.

With the crumbling of the ego comes the shining through of pure consciousness, of empty and still awareness. This is enlightenment. Congrats, you made it. With your mind cleansed of all the prejudice and bias and beliefs, of all the unreality, of all the illusion, you step out of the dream world into reality. For the first time, you look around, and you see truth. Awareness brings you life. Your experience becomes more vivid and intense than ever... and you keep on doing your