Benjamin Franklin Research Paper

Words: 608
Pages: 3

Author’s full name – Benjamin Franklin
Place of birth – Boston, Massachusetts
Date of birth – January of 1706.
Timeline with minimum of ten dates of his or her life –
1718 – Franklin works in his brother’s print shop as an apprentice (Franklin 107).
1722 – Franklin writes essays under the name Silence Dogood for the New England Courant (Hornberger 15).
1730 – Franklin married Deborah Read Rogers (Franklin Institute).
1732-1758 – Poor Richard’s Almanack annually published (Franklin Institute). Another source dates the first issue at 1733 (Hornberger 19).
1742 – Franklin invented the Franklin stove.
1749 – Franklin wrote a pamphlet entitled Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania (Gaustad 48).
1751 – Franklin authored “Experiment
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Finding that his poor writing style was hindering the messages he wished to communicate, Franklin taught himself how to write well by analyzing and copying other great writers (Hornberger 11-12).
Ben Franklin chose not to patent his scientific inventions like the lightning rod and the Franklin stove (Gaustad 34, 41). Franklin sought to improve the world in which he lived desiring that as many people as possible should benefit from his inventions, and he did not wish to restrict their use. In a research paper on the Enlightenment, Shane Ralston comments about Franklin’s views by writing, “For Franklin, the self-interested pursuit of material wealth is only virtuous when it coincides with the promotion of the public good through philanthropy and voluntarism . . .” (Ralston). Franklin believed in serving his fellow man, and he personally decided one way to accomplish this was by not patenting his inventions.
Ben Franklin’s autobiography ends with the word “Unfinished” (Franklin 107). He wrote nothing in his autobiography beyond the year