Research Paper On The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

Words: 787
Pages: 4

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Nadina Lynch
Kristen Irey

Author Note: This paper is prepared for Labor and Employee Relations 380 Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
Body 4
Conclusion 5
References 6

Abstract This paper gives the example of why having a labor union is important and the reason and how one atrocious event out of many force the federal government to come up with a law to force companies to begin to treat employees fairly. It will give a brief overall description of the working conditions in the United States at the turn of the 20th century. Why did the federal government come up with Fair Labor Standard Labor Act? Did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory influence on labor relations
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The factory had a history of experiencing fires in previous years. It was stated that the owners Mr. Blanck and Mr. Harris had burned the Diamond Waist company which was another factory they owned, to the ground to collect on a large insurance policy. It was also noted that the Triangle Shirtwaist factory was scorched at least twice and the dangers of what a fire presented. The owners were very much aware that a sprinkler system should have been installed in the factory as a safety measure but a high level of corruptions in the garment industry and the local government. Employees were paid $15 a week for their 12-hour, seven days’ work week. March 25, 1911, there were approximately 600 workers in the factory when a fire started. An attempt was made to extinguish the fire, but the fire hose was rotted with the valve rusted shut. The workers used the one operational elevator that could only carry 12 people at a time to try to escape the fire. The elevator was able to make four trips before the heat and flames made it inoperable. The girls began to jump down the elevator shaft to their death, when they realize the elevator was broke. Then, the girls started to use the stairwell, but only to find the door was locked at the bottom of the stairwell and was burned alive. Panic was everywhere and girls began to jump out windows to their death. The scene was horrific. The owners escaped the fire by going to the roof and crossing over to another building. In 18 minutes, everything was said and done, and a total of 145 people died from this fire. (2009) retrieved Nov. 5,