Research Paper On Thomas Hobbes

Words: 1173
Pages: 5

Erica Santoso
Pak Andi Arif
Essay 1
September 27 2015
Thomas Hobbes Thought Analysis Hobbes is a successful English political philosopher, born in Malmesbury, who has created a mark on the modern world ever since the 1500’s. One of his famous works was the Leviathan. Since birth, Hobbes has always been friendly with terror; this has been one of the reasons for his burning fire and passion to gain peace. Hobbes believed in a lot of things, one thing that he believes in is his belief in Christian doctrine, like how he believes that JESUS is the CHRIST and HE is all that is necessary for salvation. He supports this position with reading biblical scriptures, the doctrine doesn’t antithetical to his political philosophies but actually support
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Hobbes was the first modern political theorist to proclaim that both civil and natural philosophy couldn’t be treated in separate places but they were indistinguishable. He was dangerous to orthodoxy because he whizzed at deductive sciences, one that perfected together physics, psychology, politics and ethics. His theory was logical completeness and that is why it was a threat to orthodoxy but his unfortunate one sidedness or his conceit and timidity was a threat to that success. Now geometry plays a big role here because it is the only tool on how one state of motion passes into another or the laws of change. Therefore motion and faith in geometry can be joined together. A lot of Hobbes thoughts are based on motion such as Will, Free or Determined? In this part it talks about how there are two kinds of motion found in animals, which are vital and voluntary. Vital which is the interior such as pulse, breathing and nutrition and voluntary which are speech or motion of the limbs. The “interior beginnings” of the latter are also called passions or endeavor. Passions or endeavor towards the equality of hope but that means that men that crave for that desire the same results and so they become natural enemies. This most likely would lead to war and concludes that every man would stand for himself and be against every man. Hobbes craving for peace here isn’t found because where does justice lie in this kind of situation? …show more content…
And whatsoever is not unjust is just”. Justice is the central concept not only in passions and endeavor but also in the concept of covenant. His thought of a covenant or a society and state begins where fear begins and ends when it ends. This is where natural law plays in where men should perform the covenants that they have made and that every man will rely on his own strength and art for caution against other men. The real unity in all this is his belief, how GOD is the peace in defense in the middle of this chaos. One other thought that Hobbes has created and stated in one of his greatest works, the Leviathan, is that absolute monarchy is the best form of government and that government and sovereignty are the only ones that can guarantee peace. Not only the reliance in the government and sovereignty but also in the people itself, which is morality. For Hobbes morality is an attribute that can be found in men, both in the state of nature and in the commonwealth, although he believed that in a man’s natural state, moral ideas do not