Thomas Hobbes Research Paper

Words: 541
Pages: 3

English philosopher, scientist and historian Thomas Hobbes, born in Malmsbury, England in 1588 is best known for his political thought. Hobbes gained a reputation in multiple fields, however it is due to his notorious writings on morality and politics that he is remembered. He forms exceptional personal and intellectual connections and holds an original vision of the world which establishes a concern over social and political order. The ideas on morality and politics were greatly influenced by two major subjects; a reaction towards religious authority and his interest and involvement in scientific discipline. Although Hobbes was not an atheist, he makes very strong claims towards the relationship between religion and politics, insisting that …show more content…
Hobbes approves of a mechanistic view of science and knowledge; therefore, physical objects (human beings) are used as sophisticated machines whose functions and activities can thus be described and explained in mechanistic terms. Morality and politics are connected and Hobbes attempts to understand the behaviours, desires and aversions behind man kind. He believes what should be done greatly depends on the situation in which we are in. If political authority is flawed, we tend to protect ourselves and if political authority is in place, we tend to obey those who are in a position of power. To Hobbes, everyone is equal in faculties of body and mind; however, fear is driven in tide with desires and everyone is naturally willing to fight one another to do anything one thinks is necessary for survival. Hobbes reasoning for believing that human judgement is unreliable comes from the idea that judgement is distorted by one’s self-interest during that moment and for the long run. We are all affected differently and one’s feelings and beliefs aid in that distortion. Hobbes finds that many problems which human kind experiences are carried by others words and opinions and that is because we are needy and vulnerable