There are a lot of problems or questions come up on everyone’s daily life as like what is that mean or how to make that, and where can I find that…etc. Problems accompany the age and live changing will be more and more and never stop. How to solving all questions and problems that they never give come up, the best way is doing research to help solving all of them. Now we know researching can help solving problems, but how to doing research, where should we star, where can we find the information, does all information useable, and how to use or relate the information from searching for solving problems are the main thing we are going to explain in following paragraphs. The information may need as like definition or experiences from other people. That can provide some basic knowledge or ideas from experiences for solving problems. There are many sources for getting information, such as asking spouse or instructor maybe classmates or friends, or finding articles which talk about your problem from internet, books, magazine, or news. I believe asking someone or finding some articles, reports, and stories are the fastest way to getting ideas for solving problem. Getting information from these sources may all provide some things that you need, but most important thing when doing research, it is essential to have trustable resource. Because of the advance of technology, there are more and more ways available for us to obtain information. However, there are some sources that we trust, and we cannot trust. Getting right way for solving problem from researching is depend on how people evaluate their information that from researching and how to use this information to solve their problems. Such as validity, how to evaluate the gathered information is the trustable resource is depend on what kind reason you gather it. For instance, the class knowledge information from instructor is trust worthy, because the instructor has done a lot of study and research to understand for teaching. Instructor is expert of the major area, so the information will furnish a lot of basic ideas to trust. When doing homework or work on the paper of same topic, the class mate who have done the research or work in front of you will be reliable for getting some hands to give ideas for working assignments. When asking friend the information that better double check the intelligence because they might get it from the source that cannot trust but they did not know. Trusting spouse always want to giving big support will not give any false information or will helping you to do research from the trustable source. The intelligence from articles, reports, or stories is very different with asking person because the writing is issued from someone who never know before. Therefore most of writing information better double check before using them for solving problems. But if the reports issued from government or some official association or an authoritative company will be high reliable source. Some personal stories from Facebook, My space or personal blog will just for