Remember to locate all of these respiratory structures using the APR!
Activity 1 – Upper airways
Type the number of the following structures using the numbered lines in the diagram in the lab book:
_16_auditory tube opening
_13__ cricoid cartilage
_11__ epiglottis
_1__ frontal sinus
_6__ hard palate
_10__ hyoid bone
_4__ inferior concha
_21__ laryngopharynx
_14__ larynx
_9__ lingual tonsil
_3__ middle concha
_5__ nares
_18__ nasopharynx
_20__ oropharynx
_19__ palatine tonsil
_17__ pharyngeal tonsil
_7__ soft palate
_15__ sphenoidal sinus
_2__ superior concha
_22__ thyroid cartilage
_8__ uvula
_12__ vocal folds
Type the number of the structure on the line next to its description
_10__ the "windpipe"
_4__ separates nasal and oral cavities
_6__ air-filled space in the bone
_1__ passageway to the middle ear
_3__ “lid” over larynx
_5__ voice box
_7__ a common passageway for food and air
_2__ causes air to “swirl” in the nasal cavity
_8__ lymphoid organs at back of oropharynx
_11__ hangs at back of oropharynx; contributes to snoring
_9__ also called adenoids
1. auditory tube
2. concha
3. epiglottis
4. hard palate
5. larynx
6. nasal sinus
7. oropharynx
8. palatine tonsils
9. pharyngeal tonsils
10. trachea
11. uvula
Activity 2 - Lower Airways
Type the number of the following structures using the numbered lines in the diagram in the lab book:
_5__ arytenoid cartilage
_8__ cartilage ring
_6__ cricoid cartilage
_7__ cricothyroid ligament
_1__ epiglottis
_2__ hyoid bone
_3__ thyrohyoid membrane
_4__ thyroid cartilage
_9__ trachea
Type the number of the following structures using the numbered lines in the diagram in the lab book:
_8__ alveolar duct
_10__ alveolar sac
_9__ alveolus
_5__ lung lobe
_6__ respiratory bronchiole
_1__ primary bronchus
_2__ secondary bronchus
_7__ terminal bronchiole
_3__ tertiary bronchus
_4__ trachea
_7__ largest piece of cartilage in the larynx; 1. alveolar duct commonly called the Adam's apple 2. alveoli
_8__ their inflammation results in laryngitis 3. hyoid bone
_3__ neck and tongue muscles attach to it 4. primary bronchus
_1__ one of the two branches of