Do you think women have the same right as men?
Women’s right has been a problem throughout the nineteen century, however women played a big role in the war of Independence. They started questioning their rights because they could help men win the war. Women generally have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than men. Wifehood and motherhood were women's most significant professions, in the 19th century; however, women won the right to vote and increased their educational and job opportunities. Women were long considered naturally weaker than men. Prior to the American Revolution the women were viewed as weak and unable to perform hard work. The place of women's were the house, take care their children, …show more content…
During the American Revolution many women faced a lot problems because they dependent everything on their husband or for the singles they depended on their brothers of the father. Many of them were only responsible for taking their children and cooking at home. They were not experienced in any type of work beside the home. When every man went to war, they left everything behind, and all the women were in charge of farms and business. Even though women were experience they handle the business with great success, but in other cases lack of education and experienced lead to much worse problems. For example, inflation, unprotected homes, and loss of business, the unavailability of male labor and other treats of enemy troops led to failure. As a result, women started to protest because of the high price food and other utilities. Furiously with these problems they started attacking off-guard troop. However, not all women stayed home when all men went off war some joined their relatives to help out in the camps of armies. Indeed” female, provided ready source of volunteer to cook, launder, nurse and other thing that could help …show more content…
John Adams as a president of the nation’s just issued a protection for abusive men. He didn’t change anything valued for women to have the same rights as men. After the American Revolution women started fighting for the deserved rights. For example , “And when Judith Sargent Murray one of the leading essaying of late eighteenth century, wrote in 1776 that women’s minds were as good as those of men and that girls as well as boys therefore deserved access to education.” But there was no much change; still women had no rights in society. Under English common law, unmarried women had some legal rights, but a married woman had no virtually no rights at all. Everything she owned and everything she earned belonged to her husband. Because she had no property rights, she could not engage in any legal transaction on her own. She could not vote. She had no legal authority over her children. Nor could she initiate a divorce; that, too, was a right reserved almost exclusively for men.” But it changed a little bit after the Revolution, some women could vote in some states. However, the revolution didn’t encourage both sexes