To win an election in today's world, a presidential candidate has to be able to do certain things that have never been demanded in the past, such as respond to a national event on Twitter, an aspect that has never been a factor in previous elections. In Trump's case, a candidate must also be able to make a splash with what they have to say, and a splash that is big enough to get society to respond and take notice. Candidates can fly under the radar and be overlooked if the younger generation never hears about them on social media. That is why Donald Trump's strategies are very effective. The strong claims that he makes by using fallacies toward Hillary Clinton fuel the fire that is Donald Trump's campaign. If he is able to create a big enough splash, he will get publicity, which is exactly what he wants. Also, his opponent has much more experience than he does in Washington D.C. so he must attack her weaknesses in order to get a larger following. This is why he tries to make himself seem trustworthy, because that is exactly what she is not. In using these strategies, Trump has gained a massive following within the Republican party and it can be ensured that he will continue to use these strategies. Any successful presidential candidate must use an array of devices and fallacies to persuade the American people to believe they are best fit to run the