By saying this he was trying to set an example of West Berlin and against communism, trying to spread Democracy to East Berlin.. In the speech he brings up people who may say communism is, “The wave of the future” or, “We can work with communism” and then he would say, “Let them come to Berlin” Although by doing this it makes Democracy in West Berlin sound very good and down talking Communism in East Berlin, thinking eventually the wall between West & East Berlin would be torn down soon, spreading Democracy all across. To end the speech Kennedy used good examples of ethos. When he had said certain phrases in German. On two occasion while talking JFK spoke German to the audience by saying, “Ich bich eine Berliner” (“I am a Berliner”) and “Lass’ sie nach Berlin Kommen” (“Let them come to Berlin”). As a result he appealed to the audience (being the citizens of West Berlin) and their emotions. It makes the audience supportive of him, since they were all German themselves, giving them a feel of nationalism and proud to be from Berlin John F Kennedy showed his support for the people of West Berlin, which they accepted graciously. And while using a good amount of rhetorical writings in his speech. It made the people of Berlin question the problems with communism and wondering what it would bring in the future. Although the Berlin wall wouldnt be knocked down for another 26 years, this was a start for