Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Paper

Words: 1369
Pages: 6

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Viritza R. Muñoz
Anatomy and Physiology II
Dr. Saleh
April 29th 2017

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, chronic inflammatory disorder, which predominately negatively affects your joints, but also different parts of your body such as your blood vessels, skin and etc. This disorder affects the lining of your joints, which will cause you to see and feel swelling and with time may cause bone erosion and deform joints. According to the statistics, out of 100,000 people 41 people are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, as a society 1.3 million people within the United States of America are diagnosed with this autoimmune disease. As per researchers, generally for women within the ages of thirty and sixty are
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First, patient must be aware of symptoms that may occur such as swelling and joint stiffness and how long the symptoms last. Some helpful tips may include, visiting the doctor frequently to monitor the progress of the disease, exercise which can go hand in hand with patients who are seeking physical therapy; exercise has been proven to help with strengthen and marinating our joints in shape. This may contradict the previous tip, but rest is vital! Workouts should not be overdone and resting as much as possible will be a great help. Smoking should one hundred percent eliminated for the patient’s daily habit and with the assistance of a physician this may be …show more content…
But, by taking the correct measures and steps, if caught on time can be maintained. A physician’s main goal is to lower the inflammation and minimize or get rid of the pain and prevent any further complications. A lot of people seem to overlook rheumatoid arthritis, since it’s such a common disease, but tend to ignore the severity of the matter. The inflammation that occurs with rheumatoid arthritis patients is what damages other parts of the body. Although, medicine is continuously evolving and a cure is in the works, patients with a more severe case of Rheumatoid arthritis can still experience some physical disabilities. Let’s try every way possible to try and exercise with more frequency and visit our doctors more often. The best prevention of any illness or disease is to be up to date without doctor’s visit and blood work or any other form of testing that is