Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Paper

Words: 465
Pages: 2

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most devastating forms of arthritis and can make it difficult for people to perform many activities such as taking a walk or carrying a glass of water. Anyone who is suffering from this disease will want to know as much as they can about cures for rheumatoid arthritis. With the correct type of treatment, combined with a healthy lifestyle and taking good care of the joints, sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis can lead a healthy and pain-free life. Many people are looking for a rheumatoid arthritis cure that is natural, safe, and effective. There is still much research going on for natural cures for many types of diseases. Although much of the research community is skeptical about the natural approach there is growing evidence that medicine practices that are complementary will continue to play a bigger role in the management and treatment of many diseases, rheumatoid arthritis included. When it comes to natural medicine for arthritis there are several different options to consider that include homeopathy, massage therapy, nutritional supplements, acupuncture, and wearing copper jewelry. If you are looking for rheumatoid arthritis cure relief it is important to be cautious. Many natural cures can cost you a lot of money and may in fact …show more content…
Many times stiffness and pain lead people to choose inactivity over exercise. However, this thought process can work against you. Being inactive can lead to weaker muscles and loss of motion in the joints. Adding even just a bit of moderate exercise to your day can be of great benefit and can preserve the motion that you currently have in your joints. Exercises such as swimming and walking can increase your endurance level and lead to greater muscle function. Although there may not be an ultimate cure for rheumatoid arthritis there are many things that you can do to make your life pain-free and