Rise Of Racism In The United States

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Pages: 7

“The past isn't dead and buried. In fact, it isn't even past.” This quote was once said by William Faulkner that passed it along to Barack Obama. The past is the past, but sometimes the past may repeat itself. Barack Hussein Obama II was born August 4th 1961 in Hawaii. He became the 44th President of the United Sates. President Obama was a very successful President, some people may say different. People believed he caused more corruption and left the United States of America in racial disagreement more than ever. Racism is very important in our lives today. It can affect families, businesses, schools, and so much more. Racism was more reflected on from 2009 through 2017, the years a black president was in office.
When Barack Obama became
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Some instances include the killings of Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, the Charleston attack, and more killings that happened with other white police officers. Were all these shootings/killings just caused by others out of hate? Or was this really the backlash of the whites against President Obama? We would never know the real truth. America had to work together in trying to stop the hate. Racism started back in the early 1800’s. We are now in the 2000’s and we still deal with Racism. “There is not a black American and white American and Latino American and Asian American; there’s the United States of America” That is correct we are the United States of America and if we were all colorblind as mentioned above this wouldn’t matter. Obama tried to have the American people see this concept but still nothing was going to be overcome in a year of presidency or even four years. “Existing racial inequality in the United States is the product of a new racial regime, which he has labeled the new racism.” People believe that the increase on violence has increased since Obama came into office. The people are trying to prove that since Obama was the president he must have caused all of this corruption. “In 2010 for example the administrations education and justice departments launched investigations against school districts around the country for discipline black students more often than students of other races.” Withholding all the other information on serious offenses in school between the blacks and white made the research inaccurate. Serious offenses included that the African Americans students were bringing weapons to schools and were an act of bullying to a lot of white students. But none of this information was included in the research. This research could not be used anymore and this showed that the prime example of racism is acted upon with the white people. So again was Obama really creating