I have worked in insurance for about 4-5 years. 3-4 years in Claims and the 1 ½ in Underwriting/Risk Department 2. Insurance Lines of Coverage (rank knowledge, skills and abilities, from 1-10, in each of the following coverages) * Property - 10 * General Liability/Casualty - 10 * Workers’ Compensation (what type?) Self-insured, large deductible, guaranteed cost, retros - 1 * Auto Liability - 10 * Foreign general liability - 1 * Aviation Liability - 1 * Management Liability (E & O, D & O, Fiduciary, Crime) - 7 * Any others? None
3. Computer Experience – Type? If good at Excel, can they create tools within Excel like Pivot Tables? Sharepoint Experience?
4. References – What legal counsel do you currently work with? Internal, external or both? If external, would they be able to provide a reference name from the legal firm?
5. Claims Experience – Please provide an example of a complex insurance claim they managed? How was it managed? What was your responsibilities/role in the claim? What was the final outcome?
Automobile accident in Hawaii. Our customer was at fault in the accident. Third Party Claimant stated that they tore their ACL because of the accident, had a concussion, suffered a permanent back injury, and psychologically effected. It was a parking lot accident in which both cars were backing out of parking spots, less than 5 MPH. Claimant hired attorney after initial offer of settlement, which didn’t include the injury claims of the claimant. We had our legal team assigned and worked with them to build up case against claimant’s claims. Provided photographic evidence,