The Roe v Wade case () created the U.S. law today that was the turn around to women’s reproductive rights. This case “Court also concluded that a fetus is not a person for purposes of the Constitution and therefore does not have a constitutional right to life”. This is one of the biggest debates still happening today. This case led to the pro-choice and pro-life groups. Both of these sides argue whether or whether not the fetus is a person on not when it comes to aborting a child.
• Pro-choice argues: o The fetus is not a human until after the first trimester o Cases like rape or incest should be allowed for abortion o Abortion can take a toll on a person life and should be available because some parents are not financially stable or mentally prepared for a child to come in their life.
• Pro-life argues: o The fetus is a human as soon as it’s conceived o Adoption could be an alternate for abortion so no life is taken and the child goes to a family that will love and take care of it. o Tax dollars shouldn’t be used to pay for abortions if all citizens don’t support or have the same views on