Roe Vs Wade Research Paper

Words: 1076
Pages: 5

In the year of 1973 after the court case, Roe v. Wade was decided abortion was passed as legal from the Supreme Court of the United States, this made a critical turning point in health policy. As the law passed, many states that restricted abortion due to varying degrees of the Supreme Court. At first, abortion was illegal and that was back in the mid-1800’s, where the rules of the states started to pass laws that made abortion illegal. This happened because there were fears of the population, that children from incoming immigrants would dominate the people. After the court case, Roe v. Wade and the fear of children governing over the people if there were no abortions. A group of supporters that were for abortion thought they have won the battle of abortion, but another group called anti-abortionist were against them.
The anti-abortionist were a group of people, who were against abortion and thought it was wrong to take a life that they created. The anti-abortionist started working together to prevent any federal or state from funding any abortion. As the anti-abortionist were working on
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Even though the law was passed approving abortion to be legal, it caused many outbursts to the society. Society plays a big part in abortion because it can tear a family apart. For example, if their child has an unwanted pregnancy and does not tell them and decides to abort the baby without telling them. Society is a big part of abortion, even though they do not have a say in what the women should do, as it is the women's choice and says “they have the right to choose" but also shows how having an abortion is wrong. For example, if a pregnant woman wants an abortion because she was raped and decides to abort the baby, it is not wrong for her to do that. She does have the right as it is her body and that she does not want to have a child with the person who raped