Comparative Essays have a VERY specific format that MUST be followed in order to achieve the most points possible. Below I have outlined the comparative essay so that you can write this essay to the best of your ability.
Paragraph 1: Thesis The Thesis is one sentence that not only says what the paper is about, but in what order you are going to write it. The thesis statement must start with ALTHOUGH or EVENTHOUGH. The thesis must be a 2:1 or a 1:2 ratio. You must include your two topics (places, countries, regions, or events) and your three themes (the ways you are comparing your two topics). Whatever order you write your themes in your thesis is; the order that they should be in your essay. For example if I were to say, “Although Topic A and Topic B are similar in Themes 1 and 2; they are very different in Theme 3.” Then in my paper my next paragraph will be about Theme 1, then the next paragraph, Theme 2, and my 3rd paragraph will be about Theme 3. Your first paragraph is only the thesis and is only one sentence, but this one sentence is worth 1 of the 9 points possible in your essay.
Paragraphs 2-4: The Body Paragraphs These 3 paragraphs are all written the same way. When writing your body paragraphs you should always make the first body paragraph the one you are most comfortable writing about i.e. the one you know the most about. The last body paragraph should be the theme you are least comfortable with. When setting up your paragraphs keep this format in mind. Sentence 1: This should be the sentence that identifies the theme in comparing the two topics. For example, “Topic A and Topic B share a similar Theme 1.” Sentence 2: This sentence should identify that specific similarity or difference mentioned in Sentence 1. For example, “Both Topic A and Topic B have the same Theme 1.A.” Sentence 3: In this sentence you describe specifically what that specific similarity or difference is. For example, “Theme 1.A is abcdefg.” Sentence 4: This sentence you may or may not have. If there is an additional similarity or difference about Theme 1 this would be the time to talk about it. You would simply identify that other similarity or difference and then describe it. Sentence 5: In this sentence you will analyze why Theme 1 is similar or different for Topics 1 & 2. If you identified more than one similarity or difference, then you will need to analyze why for both similarities or differences.
Being able to identify similarities and differences won’t be enough to get you the comparison point. You must DIRECTLY compare the differences. For example, if I said, “Topic 1, Theme 3 is blue. Topic 2, Theme 3 is red,” that is not a direct comparison. However, if I said, “While Topic 1, Theme 3 is blue, Topic 2 Them 3 is quite different and is red.” Many times it just has to do with how you word you paper. Another point comes from being able to analyze WHY