Rosa Parks Research Paper

Words: 516
Pages: 3

Did you know that Rosa Parks was not the first African American person to not let a white person take her seat on the bus,it was actually a woman named Claudette Colvin. She is a lesser known figure who fought for equal rights, but some of the other figures said she was too young to be a big figure of the civil rights movement. I believe it is important to honor lesser known figures who helped fight the civil rights movement. I will give an example of a lesser known figure and two reasons why it is important to honor lesser known figures. The civil rights movement was when African Americans fought to be treated the same way white people were treated. There were a lot of well known figures that fought for this, like Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King Jr. Sadly there were a lot of people who fought for equal rights but are not as well known, like Claudette Colvin. I think it is important to honor the lesser known figures because they are not getting the credit they deserve for the things they did during the civil rights movement. Such as Claudette Colvin who was the first person to actually not let a white person take her seat on a bus instead of Rosa Parks, and she is not given as much credit as she should have for …show more content…
On March 2, 1955, when she was on a bus, she was told to give her seat to a white person and said no. After that she was arrested and given a fine by the police but she did not give up and joined the legal fight with a few others. Soon they ended up in the Supreme Court and they said that segregation on buses was against the law. She did what Rosa Parks did before Rosa Parks but did not get as much credit because she was too young to be a good public figure. That is why I think it is important to give them the credit they deserve because it shows that even though people may not be public figures, it does not mean they couldn't help the civil rights