Ruth Bader Ginsburg Analysis

Words: 465
Pages: 2

Have you ever thought about what obstacles people faced on a day-to-day basis years ago? People went through multiple changes and it could have effected them positively or negatively. Many people faced obstacles back then, from discrimination to health problems, and these things really affected them.

People went through discrimination back then and it really affected them in doing what they love. In the passage, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" states, "Imagine graduating top of your class in law school, only to be turned down for several jobs because you are a woman." This reveals how women are not treated right when they work really hard for something. This also shows how life was truly not fair for women years ago, either. The text also states, "The dean of the school asked the women why they were taking places that could have gone to men. However, she would not let discrimination stop her from pursuing her dream." This shows that no matter how much
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In the text, "Sonia Sotomayor" it states, "When she was only seven years old, she was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes." This shows she has an obstacle that will affect her life in some way, and that this could prevent her from doing things. The article also states, "k. She was the youngest member of the court. In one of her most famous rulings, she stopped the longest strike in professional baseball history. In 1998, President Bill Clinton appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She was highly respected for her great understanding of the law. That respect has continued to grow as she sits on the highest court in our nation, the first Latina to do so." This shows that knowing she has obstacles to face that didn't stop her from pursuing her dreams. This also reveals that she did many things to benefit her community. To wrap this all up, health problems also affected peoples lives but people still followed their