Client who will be referred to as Sophia is a twenty year old Lebanese/Caucasian single woman referred by a Partial Hospital Program. Client reports having suicidal thoughts since the age of seven. Client lives with her parents (mom 46. Dad 53) and younger brother (14 years old) and is employed full time at a local pizza parlor.
The Presenting Problem
Client reports an increase in suicidal ideation prior to attending the partial hospital program. Client reports feeling that everyone around her is talking about and judging her which is making it difficult to leave the house. Client reports feeling out of control with her eating and has gained about thirty pounds. She reports feeling ugly, fat and unworthy of friendship and love. Client reports having difficulty identifying positive aspects about her, and has a deep sense of loathing towards herself. Her inability to control her anger has affected her relationships with her family and friends. Client reports “hating” her parents even though she stated, “they are nice …show more content…
At the age of fourteen, Sophia witnessed her brother drown in a lake next to her and pulled him out of the water on her back. Client reports symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation have significantly increased since this incident. Client reports being able to go to work however is having difficulty with relationships with her family. Client reports not having control over her anger and frequently wants to hurt her family members. Client reports throwing items at her mother and choking her brother in a moment of rage a year ago, this resulted in her being hospitalized. Client reports having a negative self image, feeling unworthy of happiness, helpless and difficulty eating in public. Sophia started cutting at the age of fourteen and the last time was July 2016. Client had tattoos done on her forearms to prevent her from