With my capstone beginning this week, it is very imperative that one is able to recognize different leadership styles and know how to adapt to each of them. Knowing the leadership style of one’s preceptor and having the ability to adapt to this style will prove useful in a clinical setting. It is also important to know that the type of leadership where the staff feel that they have a safe environment to admit their mistakes and determine solutions to problems is very closely related to the leadership style that is more successful in yielding better performance (Stevens, et al., 2014). This indicates that the leadership style is very important because not only will there be more positive outcomes in the hospital, there will also be a reduction in the number of grievances from the staff. According to the article, “‘[s]trong leadership’ has been suggested as a way to address the problem of low compliance among medical staff” (Stevens, et al., 2014). A strong leader is one that is able to adapt and approaches difficult situations as a learning opportunity, solicits feedback from all members of the team to ensure that everyone has a