Scavenger Hunt Research Paper

Words: 1025
Pages: 5

“Bang!” My heart pounded hard. I looked around me; white flashes of light, blinding. I tried to grasp for some air and breathe hard. I was just dreaming. Piercing cries were now all over the place. Just in time, the clock struck twelve. It was Christmas. I was not dreaming. People started to gather around. And there, a life was lost.
My heart bled at the scene I was in front of: a lifeless body, a poor soul. Gossips tell that the father lost his temper for his son did not follow what he had ordered him to do. As simple as that. They were a typical father and son waiting for the night to end; ready to welcome the most wonderful time of the year. But then, not only the night ended. I am scared.
Putting this into the lens of Robespierre’s ruling,
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An example of this would be the 1984 case of Darryl Hunt, an African-American man from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “At the age of nineteen, Hunt was convicted of the rape and murder of a white woman named Deborah Sykes—despite the fact that there was no physical evidence tying him to the crimes. Even with zero evidence pointing to Hunt, he was sentenced by an all-white jury to life in prison. In 1994, Hunt was actually cleared of the rape when DNA testing proved he had never committed that crime.” (KELLY, 2013) This is why the objectives “to protect the rights of the accused through legal constraints on police, courts and corrections” and “to punish and stop criminal conducts” are inseparable and should be given equal importance and emphasis. This is because if one is not given equal importance, such thing will result to a detrimental effect whether on the accused or the victim. Take into account this particular case. The 10 years of an innocent man’s life was wasted behind bars not to mention the adverse effect in his own life and family. Hunt's numerous appeals failed even when a second jury learned that the witness who helped convict him was a Klansman (a member of the Ku Klux Klan which is a secret organization of white Protestant men in the United States which promotes violence against black people, Jews, and other minorities). Obviously, this accused man’s right was not protected and subjected …show more content…
A knife’s slash could turn flesh into ash. Day by day, not only a single life is lost. Is this the only worth we can give to our existence? A gem shatters as a cold metal pierce in, leaving stains never to be erased. An eye for an eye? A tooth for a tooth? Is death penalty the true answer? In a statistical study held by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), states in the USA such as Alabama (273 murders-2010)(301 murders- 2011), California (1809 murders-2010)(1,792 murders- 2011), and Florida (978 murders-2010)(984 murders- 2011) which have Death Penalty in their justice system have higher rates of murder cases compared to those states without Death Penalty such as North Dakota (10 murders-2010)(24 murders-2011), Alaska (31 murders-2010)(29 murders-2011) and Hawaii (24 murders-2010)(17 murders-2011) for years. (Dealth Penalty Information Center,