If a girl likes Ugg boots and Starbucks she's stereotypical. If she likes combat books and obscure coffee houses she's a wanna be hipster and tries too hard. If she listens to boy bands or any other popular bands or songs then she's a follower. If she reads comics or plays video games she's poser/ fake geek girl. If she wears makeup she's fake. If she doesn't she should wear it. If she has low self- esteem she needs to learn to love herself, but if she has high-self esteem she's conceited and vain. Girls are mocked for everything they do, or don't do. Nothing will change if people don’t make the change too. One day girls will be the next women. All these girls will know is ridicule and judgement unless we make the change and be rid of all judgement and make men and women equal. Then the women’s right movement will be complete and all the hate for feminists will go away and then there will be more peace and one step to make America a less hateful