School Shootings

Words: 2738
Pages: 11

Every year in the United States, students from elementary school to college are exposed to massive amounts of violence in school while also being required to receive an education. Over the past 25 years, there has been an ongoing crisis of school violence, including fatal shootings, that have left surviving victims with irreversible trauma. Many factors are contributing to this catastrophe, including an increase in mental illness associated with social media usage and a lack of gun control. The usage of social media is very common among teenagers, and social media is not for the faint of heart. Online users will dissect every aspect of someone and leave negative comments because they feel obligated to give their opinion. In these cases in schools, …show more content…
The database could be more accurate, but it can give the administration an overarching trend on what to watch for in their student body. The analytics from the AVS revealed that perpetrators are usually male, white, and act alone. In addition, attackers generally have previous attacks, watch violent media, kill animals, draw dead students, and write violent stories (“School Shootings” 117). Firstly, something that needs to be addressed is the constant racism against minority youth, calling them gangsters, and dangerous. Americans love to say that immigrants are criminals who bring violence to the United States, which may be true in some instances, but this data exposes an ugly truth. The truth is, school shooters are predominantly white Americans. Secondly, it is truly terrifying that there are humans who enjoy horror media, and in turn, murder others. There are significant reasons that students plan to kill. Most notably, the grievance of another classmate, desire to kill, gain fame, or emulate past shooters (“School Shootings” 117). Many deep-rooted psychological issues cause the mentality to …show more content…
One of the most horrific parts of all of this is the fact that the school is a haven for some students. Especially, in impoverished areas, it is common for students to not live in a home where they are safe, and express themselves freely. School can be a comfortable space for them to eat, and feel loved, and appreciated. This is why it is so unfortunate that there are some violent students, who want to take that away, because of their issues. Something that school shooters do not take into consideration, is the aftermath of their actions. Students and staff have to rebuild emotionally to adjust to their new lives, and it is very difficult depending on their coping mechanisms. The theory of attachment categorizes individuals into three different styles of attachment based on their relationship with others. A secure attachment style allows those affected to rely on surrounding peers for support and comfort, while also being able to self-soothe (Turunen et