School Uniforms Controversy

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Pages: 5

School uniforms School uniforms are a big controversy with in today's society. every school has the choice whether to enforce school uniforms on their students or to let them wear what they want with some restrictions with dress code every person has their own opinion about the topic people who want school uniforms have good points such as it reduces the chances of kids being singled out and getting bullied, also with it encouraging a safe environment for the students. Yet on the other side of the argument people say it infringes on the student's rights. Which one is the right choice for the future of our children? School uniforms are known to create a safe environment, after 2 years in Long Beach California with mandatory school uniforms in the grades …show more content…
Des Moines Independent Community School District that
"it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." (Procon). A case back in 1970 named Richard vs thurston arrived when a boy refused to cut his hair shorter, the US First Circuit Court of
Appeals stated that "compelled conformity to conventional standards of appearance" does not
"seem a justifiable part of the educational process." After they won in court American civil liberties union said that freedom of choice is empowering to maturing in a young child's life. A professor named tony volk stated that there is no concrete evidence on clothing affecting bullying in any way. Also a peer study in 2007 has evidence of school uniforms increasing how many assault charges are at school it increased by a substantial number of 14 per year in schools.
Many people have also done studies on how school uniforms do not increase academic readiness or attendance. David L. Brunsma said “no effects of uniforms on absenteeism, behavioral problems (fights, suspensions, etc.), or substance use on campus" and "no effects" on