Science Fair Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Science Fair: Heart Rate and Exercise Your heart starts beating before you were even in this world, and hopefully it will beat for the rest of your life. Over an average and healthy lifetime a person’s heart beats over 2.5 billion times. Making sure your heart is healthy is doing a lot of things like eating healthy, not smoking, and getting a regular amount of exercise. When you do exercises like jumping jacks or a jog you will start to notice that it is getting harder to breath and then you can feel sweat drip down the side of your temple. But during exercise did you notice that your heart beats faster than usual? The heart is a very crucial organ for the body to functions. The job of a heart is to pump blood throughout the body using the …show more content…
Anything blocking your arteries or your heart can cause a heart attack. A heart attack is a sudden loss of heart functions because of electrical disturbances of the heart flow/rhythm. So how can you keep your heart healthy and functional? It is crucial to exercise, eat healthy and not do any movements or activities that can be dangerous to the heart, here are some examples, smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs. Exercising increases heart rate, why is that important? During exercise, the heart works harder and fast, by doing this regularly you have a chance to avoid coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease occurs when fatty substances forms on the walls of the coronary arteries which are the arteries bring blood and air to your heart. This plaque blocks the blood flow to the heart, causing the heart to slow down, or unfortunately stop. Now the question you may now be asking is how much is it okay to increase your heart rate and for how long? A safe limit for this is 220 BPM minus your age, so that means my maximum amount my heart can beat can beat per minute is 207 BPM. This experiment answers: How does heart rate change with exercise? What exercise works out the heart the most? Does exercise improve overall heart …show more content…
In support of my hypothesis, the data showcases how exercise increases heart rate for multiple reasons. In this experiment we did four activities, Crunches, Burpees, Jumping Jacks, and Jogging/Running. For crunches the resting heart rate was 60 bpm, and after 18 minutes of doing this exercise vigorously it went to 126 bpm. Additionally, for Burpees the resting heart rate was 66 bpm, and after 18 minutes of doing this exercise vigorously it went to 138 bpm. Furthermore, for Jumping Jacks the resting heart rate was 78 bpm, and after doing 18 minutes of doing this exercise vigorously it went to 144 bpm. Lastly, for Jogging the resting heart rate was 60 bpm, and after 18 minutes of doing this exercise vigorously it went up to 126 bpm. When lightly or enthusiastically exercising, muscles require an excess of oxygen. Exercise increases heart rate because the heart needs to pump more blood to distribute oxygen to all the muscles in the body. Once the blood gets deoxygenated it is sent back to the heart to replenish the deoxygenated blood with fresh air and it distributes the oxygenated blood to the body once more thus making a cycle. Our body’s muscles need energy and oxygen, so the heart must beat faster to supply and support the needed