Sea Level Rise: Changing In Temperature And In Climate

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Pages: 4

Over the years Earth has been changing in temperature and in climate.Glaciers have been melting at an alarming rate and forcing polar bears to relocate. Not only is the sea level rise causing polar bears to relocate it is also affecting humans. The human race is going to experience a population decrease because of sea level rise, which would lead to worldwide chaos. Humans have a huge factor into why this is happening and the consequences that come along with it if it’s not controlled would be catastrophic. The Earth has been taking a major beating in the past couple of years and now we can start to see the effects of it. The Earth has been getting warmer and because of that sea levels are starting to rise. Over the past …show more content…
As the seawater starts to flow inland it can cause destructive erosion, flooding of wetlands and potentially take away the habitat of small fish,birds, and plants. Not only would land animals be affected, humans could would feel the affect as well. People who live in marsh lands and swamps may potentially become victims of the sea level rise as it could wipe out their homes, which would force them to relocate(“Sea Level Rise” 1). The biggest threat of the sea level rise would be to the polar bears. The retreat of ice makes it farther away from shore, which makes the polar bears lose their habitat (“Global Warming” 1). The glaciers sheets are the polar bears only habitat and source of food and now that global warming is becoming a problem they are losing out on their food and their homes. This means that the polar bears would be extinct much faster than the normal rate because they wouldn’t be able to reproduce. Another issue with the sea level rise is that the U.S would be affected it not dealt with. The heat trapping gases from human activity …show more content…
The threat of sea level is not being taken seriously because people don't see the effects of it yet, but statistics show that in a couple years the Earth will experience more coastal flooding. Not only is the sea level going to be a problem, the threat of drought is also a real issue. Global warming has an impact on climate change. Over the past couple of years Earth has seen some record setting droughts, heat, and storms( “National Resources Defense Council ” 1). In the first six months of 2012 January through June has been the hottest. The effects of global warming are also in the forms of heat waves which cause a real health concern for humans and animals. In the first half of 2012 there has been 74 deaths all linked to heat waves(“National Resource Defense Council” 1). The other bad side of global warming is the massive record setting storms its causing. Extreme storms can cause drowning, contaminate drinking water and result in outbreaks of infectious diseases(“National Resource Defense Council” 1). This will only get worse as humans continue to burn fossil fuel and trap gases into our atmosphere. The heat and ozone smog increases respiratory diseases and creates health issues(“National