Second Review Guide Essay

Submitted By WeSoHotWhyNotBe
Words: 1233
Pages: 5

Second Exam Review Guide


Class 9: Genesis I
What is symbolic thought? What is the purpose of symbolic thought? Show the difference between looking at “shepherd” as fact and as symbolic thought.

Explain the meaning of J Tradition and the characteristics of the J tradition in the Old Testament.
What is Tetragrammaton?

Explain the meaning of P Tradition and the characteristics of the P tradition in the Old

To which tradition is Genesis 1 connected? Give two characteristics that identify it with the tradition. Explain what is the meaning of “the deep” in Genesis 1 and the connection to the Babylonian creation myth. What are the differences between the two accounts? What are the theological messages that the Hebrew narrative is trying to get across?

Explain the separation of the waters above from the waters below. What is the cosmology of the ancient Hebrew people? How is the world constructed? How is this a challenge for a literal reading? When God says “Let us make human,” explain three possible interpretations to “Let us.”

Second Exam Review Guide


Class 10: Genesis II
Explain the significance of the concept of “image of God” in relation to ancient cultures. Who was considered the image of God in the ancient world? What is the theological significance of declaring that all of humanity is made in the “image of God”?

What is the significance of the “image of God” that was used by ancient rulers and placed at the borders of the kingdom? What does it disclose about how humans are placed in the world?
How does it relate to the discussion of monotheism in contrast to polytheism?

What is the relationship of humans to creation?

How are humans created in the first narrative of creation? What does it say for the relationship between the male and female sexes?

Which day of the week is considered the seventh day of creation?

How is the creation described in the second creation story? How does description of God throughout the narrative reflect the J Tradition? What actions are performed by God that present
God in anthropomorphic fashion?

How many narratives of Noah and the Flood are included in the Bible? Name one difference for each account.

What is the significance of the olive leaf? What is the significance of the rainbow? What does the notion of covenant reveal about how Israel thinks about God?

Second Exam Review Guide


Class 11: Abraham
In Genesis 3 what does the snake claim the fruit will make Eve like? As the narrative examines the nature of sin, name the three elements that take place as Eve contemplates her decision that are influence the act of sin.

Name and explain the three results of sin that humans now struggle with.

What are the three promises God makes to Abraham? What is the purpose of God choosing

When Abraham sends his maidservant Hagar and her son Ismael to the wilderness? What would have been the intended result and what did happen to Hagar?

When God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son? Which son would have been sacrificed? Taking into consideration of what happened prior to this event, why might Abraham have agreed without questioning? What is a historical explanation for this incident?

Second Exam Review Guide


Class 12: Exodus 1
What are the three promises God makes to Abraham?

Define Exodus.

Explain the situation at the beginning of Exodus. What are the concerns of Pharaoh? How does he try to deal with the situation? Name the three plans Pharaoh comes up with.

What is the problem with the first plan? What are the problems with the second plan? Why are the midwives named, but not Pharaoh? How is Pharaoh portrayed in these narratives?

What is the third plan? What is the significance of the river? What is the significance of
Pharaoh’s actions?

How does Moses’ mother follow and undermine the rules of Pharaoh? What is the significance of what they do in contrast to