secular outlook Essay

Submitted By Backwooddriver
Words: 396
Pages: 2


President: George H.W. Bush

Region of the World: Panama

Purpose of the Mission: In the 1980s, especially towards the latter part of the decade, relations between the U.S. and Panama were tense. Just Cause was initiated when General Manuel Antonio Noriega was picked to become “maximum leader” of Panama, and immediately declared war against the United States. The mission was initially deployed under the name “Blue Spoon” with the purpose of defending treaty rights in the Canal Zone, assisting a democratic government, and arresting one drug trafficker.

Result of Military Operation: The result of Operation “Just Cause” was very successful, there were very few casualties many PDF ( Panama Defense Forces) soldiers were relieved of their weapons before they even knew there was an invasion. General Manuel was arrested and is still serving his 40 year drug trafficking sentence in Miami.

Congressional Response:

''Under the circumstances, the decision is justified. When there is the engagement of U.S. forces in the field, it behooves all of us to give that support.''

--Thomas S. Foley, D

''The instinct of all Americans is to support the President in this kind of situation. More information from the Administration is needed before we can know whether this particular operation was the best course of action.''

--Paul Simon, D

Did it Comply with the Force Doctrine?

-National Security Interest: Combating drug trafficking and protecting Panama Canal

-Objectives: Protect U.S. lives, capture Noriega, neutralize PDF, restructure PDF, and support establishment of U.S. recognized government

-Analysis of Risks? Questionable. There were some accusations of the US