Other challenges were kids being “sore losers” during tournaments which I would rather have than kids not caring about losing. While there were some difficulties the majority of the project went smoothly. Every single difficulty that I faced was worth it because usually it lead to a success. Whether it was a kid growing in their skill of a certain game or a kid growing into a better person. The result of my project can't necessarily be seen, there is no physical product all I just tried to be a positive person in the kids lives and help them when necessary. My goal was to try to help what I view as a under funded program (Boys and Girls Club) by assisting them with monitoring the children and organizing events. I accomplished this by doing just that. The Boys and Girls Club in Talent, Oregon is honestly a very unorganized environment and the staff doesn't engage with the kids whatsoever so I tried to help where I could. Some employability skills I improved on was my listening skills and how to better collaborate with others. I also learned how to better manage my time and how crucial planning ahead is. Part of the reason my first fifteen hours took so long is because it was poorly planned; I usually only went once a week at the start due to me being able to juggle work,