Human observers have fair accuracy within certain restricted domains. An example is a comparison of a flying ant and termites. The correct classification of each can repeatedly and accurately be made by many different observers with minimal training, thus making unaided vision and an accurate detector of termites. Despite elevation of human detectors by specialists in this field as the ultimate standard, the domains of accuracy, precision and resolution of the human senses, and even within those domains humans often do not provide the best results.
One may think that each sense consists in discrete and completely independent ways of processing information about the world. Also, there is the perception that the processing of signals from the eyes is completely separate from the processing of signals from the ears. Others still think that there are physically isolable systems in the brain corresponding to each sense. Looking at human physiological mechanisms pertaining to different senses, we find that they are not completely discrete (Macpherson, 2011). Research shows that there is interaction between sensation and audition referred to as sensory modalities. I believe human senses can be accurate because deliverables of senses feed into one cognitive system that comprises and governing beliefs, desires, thoughts, and other proportional attitudes. An example is that if one hears a scream and sees a Lion, it is obvious to come to one believe that there is both scream and Lion within the environment.
On the other hand, human senses are not without weaknesses. A Rhine (1997) note that there are weaknesses of human senses and gives an example of admiration of beauty. He illustrates that admiration of beauty is a symptom of human senses. If the senses were perfect, there would be no beauty. He believes that it is not someone’s nature but the weakness of the eyes of the onlookers that make one appear beautiful. Researchers have proved that from the numerous stimuli surrounding, human senses selects the stimulus that is of value from the many that are available.
The reasons for believing in