I am looking to enroll on advanced education on the grounds that I will be able to make an impact in my community, develop my character and learn valuable lifesaving skills. I have a experience I want to share, at the end of last year I was accepted to be on the faculty for the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. During this experience we were given a crew which is a group of six to eight scouts and be their guide on their journey through leadership. What we the staff immerse them in is the ideology and culture of servant leadership to help them grow themselves and others. What is servant leadership you may ask? According to Robert Greenleaf this is what servant leadership is to him “a servant leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the …show more content…
While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.” -Robert Greenleaf During the week we were with our participants we had them go through many team building exercises such as the wall where the team had to get over a twelve foot wall, geocaching, and beyond NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) sessions which are discussions reflecting on the activities and purpose of them that day. The biggest lesson about servant leadership the crew went through in my opinion was the geocaching exercise. This exercise each crew was handed a gps and a list of utm (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates. They had to find a series of geocaches with various prizes. The thing we did not tell the crews was that in each geocache there was a code for a combination lock. All the crews were convinced that they were competing for first place but none of them