Servant Leadership Style Analysis

Words: 590
Pages: 3

As the title of the article suggests, it very well imbibes the basis of our subject. Good or effective leaders will normally be among the following categories.An effective leadership style is one which fits the given situation or group. The gist of the article explains that there are ceratin characteristics the presence or absence of which determine the capability or otherwise of a good leader.
A Transactional leadership by agreement binds employees bind to follow him in lieu of their job and accompanying emoluments. An Autocratic leadership is a severe form of transactional leadership, where leaders empower their employees. Bureaucratic leadership on the other hand is all about rigorous rule where people are required to follow procedures precisely.
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The style ensures that deadlines are met and jobs are executed as desired. People-oriented leaders focus on the people aspect i.e. supporting and managing the people on their teams. Servant Leadership style is adopted in value based cultures, as this approach can help to create a positive corporate culture and high morale among team members. Transformation leadership is the best leadership style in business situations. It is so because the best is expected from the leader as well as the team. This leads to high productivity.
A good leadership pervades the entire organization with a well defined , developed and accepted corporate culture . Open Communication at all levels where an understanding of the vision and goals of the company is clear to all. In such a culture all employees input their ideas for improvement as they feel that they are an important part of the company. Employee frowth under good leadership is strictly based on integrity, talent and experience best suited to the job profile. Employees engage in healthy competition while gelling perfectly with coworkers without any fear. The end result of such a well managed leadership is high morale and motivation with employee retention, and sustainable long-term success of the company , leader as well as the