Sexual Assault On College Campuses

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Pages: 6

It is estimated by the National Institute of Justice that for every 1,000 women attending a college or university, there are 35 incidents of rape each academic year. Sexual assault is currently an outrageous problem in college campuses. The terrible repercussions of being sexually assaulted can most certainly be prevented with the right measures. The trauma of being sexually assaulted can carry onto a person’s life forever, impeding them from performing regular activities such as dating or as far as walking alone at night. Sexual assaults are about power rather than sexual gratification, it is all about feeling superior and in control of the opposite gender. Sexual assault in college could be less prominent if the proper security and measures …show more content…
Just about 65% of victims actually go to the police to report sexual assault and just about a third actually get convicted. Victims feel that if they report their assault instead of getting justice, they will only get blame for the attack, or simply that the officers will say that they are calling rape.
Campuses have the obligation to keep their students in a secure environment, but many fail to do so. “A college with 10,000 students could experience as many as 350 rapes per year”( National Institute of Justice 1). Statistics such as this one seem incredible in the age of technology, and surveillance we live in, but without the proper personnel inspecting the campuses, and cameras outrageous numbers like this are the result.
Most sexualt assaults happen between parties that have had contact in the past, and that know each other; rarely ever rapes are random or unplanned. Sometimes, they start as stalkings, and once the student tries to report the stalking to a higher power, they are turned away as it being something they are imagining or that they are told that their is not enough evidence to prove the stalking. When the stalkers see that they receive no repercussions for their action, it slowly escalates and may lead to sexual