Sgt John Wilson

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Pages: 3

In this reading of The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson by Louis Simmie, a decision is made on whether it is a novel or biography, based on a true story of love and murder. With the findings of Sgt.John Wilson as he leads a love triangle with 2 women, he indecisiveness towards both the women, with the broken promises he made as he was getting more frustrated with his first wife Polly and he did not want to be with her after so long, he had met another woman while he was truly ill with tuberculosis. Sgt. John Wilson was a man with 2 lives who had a story to tell the world of his actions. With his indecisiveness, his life and his actions, the more you read the more it begins to become a biography of his life, of how he goes into detail of workplace, his marriage, as he tries to keep his 2 wives separate from each other and make sure wherever he goes no one knows him or starts to ask questions. …show more content…
He hated the thought of it” (p. 48). He beared for people to find out he had a wife, who came down from Scotland to be with him. The details you read from the beginning to end of book one completely characterises the reading as a biography, as they speak of their background, where they are from, and appearance “Mary Hutchison, called Polly by her family and friends, was liked by everyone in the village of Slamannan in the Southern Uplands of Scotland, and loved by those who knew her well. She was small and slim with brown eyes and an abundance of shining brown hair” (p.7). This quote gives a description of Polly as they tell a little about her and who she is. John is a nickname for Jack Wilson “John was the second oldest of their four