Should American Students Be Able To Be Free After A Long Day Of School?

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Many studies have come up short on answers when questioned about the benefits of homework. American students should be able to be free after a long day of school. Nightly homework is not necessary to create a nation of competitive scholars because America is still trailing in academics , it is hurting students health, and due to after school work students have relatively no free time. Homework is expected to be done by all students nightly, but with a multitude of classes every day it is just too much. American students start doing homework the first year they are in school, at the age of five or six. By starting homework so young students are coming to resent school because of their relentless workload. The Advocate states that “homework should not ‘interfere with the health and wellbeing’”. This is important to remember because if you compare American students to the leading countries in academics there is a large gap. China and India are leading in academics because of their ways of schooling. America’s schools should actually teach their children instead of sending them home and having them learn at home. …show more content…
Parents are outraged with how heavily their children are drenched in homework. Parent, Amy Clipston, gave her statement to The Advocate, she thought that “10 to 20 minutes of homework a night was not accomplishing anything” for her daughter, who is in the first grade. America is trying to teach their students memorization instead of actually teaching them. Adults are given time off from work so that they do not become overstressed. America is taking a completely different route with their students, some schools only give students a twenty-minute break for recess in a six hour