Gum should be allowed in schools because gum is good for your body and mind. “Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine took 108 eighth-grade math students from a Houston, Texas, …show more content…
According to Dr. Kenneth Allen, a professor at NYU's College of Dentistry, “Gum has been scientifically proven to help children focus better and to improve their memory.” If children chew gum they are more likely to remember what they learned in class, so they would get better grades.
Japanese researchers claim that “chewing gum for over 10 minutes can reduce stress, adding to a growing body of science linking gum chewing to stress relief.” This shows gum is good for your body. Some argue that gum should continue to be banned in schools because they think children stick it under desks. Although the only reason for this is children do not want to be caught throwing it out because it is not allowed.
Gum should be allowed in schools because gum is good for your body, mind and helps your memory improve. Gum also helps you focus, relieve stress and relax. Yes, gum can be distracting and children tend to stick under desks which is super gross. Although the only reason for this is children do not want to be caught throwing it out because it is not allowed. Gum is good for your body, mind and helps your memory improve. Gum also helps you focus, relieve stress and relax. If gum was allowed in schools kids all around the world would do so much better in