Should Illegal Immigrants Be Illegal

Words: 764
Pages: 4

According to Wikipedia, Illegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Several years ago, when America was created, it encourage people from all other nation to immigrate here. United State of America is known as “land of hope and opportunity”. As of today, with the issue about Illegal Immigrants being out of control, coming to America in legal way seems hard, for those no intention to be illegal. There are different cases of illegal immigrant here in America, but this essay, is particular for illegal immigrants who crossed U.S borders illegally. Our government should enforced strong border control and immigration laws. We should not give incentives …show more content…
Companies should stop hiring illegal’s to work for them, our unemployment rate is high because it based on legal citizen who doesn’t have work. I understand that for some people they accepts the job, so they can send money to their family. Many, are forced to work illegally here in the U.S., while we like to help them as much as we do, but shouldn’t we help our own people first? Illegal immigrant getting the jobs that supposed to be for legal citizens’ of America. They are surviving while some of us are dying. My friend’s husband was laid off from his job last year for downsizing people in the company. Week later, they found out, the company hired new people and some of them are undocumented workers. Why? Is it because some Illegal Immigrants are hard worker? I think so, but mostly, they are accepted by U.S. employers that able to hire them, for wages lower than they pay legal citizen. This problem must be solve, we need jobs for our people here. Illegal immigrant shouldn’t have rights to work in United …show more content…
Crimes are the biggest problem caused by illegal immigration. According to Wikipedia site, migrant deaths along the Mexico- US border occur hundreds of times a year because of those attempting to cross in the United States from Mexico illegally. Why many crimes, such as molest children, deal drugs, human trafficking, violent gangs, drunk hit and run drivers, burglarize cars and homes, involving immigrants here in America? The answer is simple, they know that if they are caught by authorities, they just simply go back to their home country and escape justice laws here in America. Are we going to wait that one day, we are hit by illegal immigrant driver and we can’t seek justice? It happened to my husband, the driver who hits his truck, already went back to Mexico. Government should not allow them to drive, for good sake, they are