Should We Educate Illegal Immigrants

Words: 650
Pages: 3

Immigration statutes in the United States have always been a huge controversial topic and especially trending, because of our new president, Donald J. Trump. Many people argue, if illegal Immigrants should have the same opportunity or rights of those of U.S Citizen. The U.S government should first prioritize the needs of a U.S Citizen, especially in education, rather than the needs of a Illegal immigrant.
Educating illegal immigrants is too expensive, why should we educate illegal immigrant if our nation barely have the enough resources to educate native born and non- native born U.S citizen. California is known for housing illegal immigrants, the majority of their population consist of illegal immigrant. In fact, California has the largest number of
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One of the factor, on why illegal immigrant do not successfully complete or pass their academic course, because they are not as academically inclined or developed as the kids in class. Studies has shown, that by the time children of illegal immigrants reached the age of 2, they showed significantly lower level of language and development than the children of legal immigrants and native born (Yoshikawa). Not only illegal immigrant struggles to pass their academic courses but their children struggles as well. Do we want our nation to decline in their academic success? LEP stand for “Limited English Proficient” LEP student are student who are non-native english speaker, usually they are not born the U.S. In addition, 8th grade pupils demonstrated a limited ability to grasp their school work: 71% are marked at the below basic level (Ferris and Raley). How are they going to graduate high school, if they do not do or understand their class work. Do illegal immigrant actually value a free education? Why do we give them free education?, if they are not able work on the task that has been assigned to them in